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RT @protesterrabbit: Always buy seeds or use your own from previous year. I get mine from Mother Nature of Powell River, B.C. ! https://t.c…
The legal battle around #chlorpyrifos continues. The 9th Circuit is scheduled to hear oral arguments in the case ag…
RT @GMWatch: In the 1st #Monsanto trial there were concerns about the restrictions on what evidence could be placed in front of the jury. B…
CFS recently filed a legal petition with EPA demanding that the agency conduct #environmental review of and regulat…
Some girls are bigger than other girls 😮😠#saveourpollinators #saveourbees
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February 8th, 2018
| The Guardian
Huge levels of antibiotic use in US farming revealed
By Fiona Harvey - Concerns raised over weakened regulations on imports in potential post-Brexit trade deals
February 6th, 2018
Big Food Versus Big Chicken: Lawsuits Allege Processors Conspired To Fix Bird Prices
Leah Douglas - Some major food companies are accusing Big Chicken of colluding to fix the price of broiler chickens over a 10-year period. In just three weeks, two grocery retailers an
January 31st, 2018
| HuffPost
USDA Spares Poultry Workers Faster Line Speeds, But Hog Workers May Not Get So Lucky
By Eleanor Goldberg and Dave Jamieson - Apparently not all regulated industries are getting what they want out of the Trump White House.
January 31st, 2018
USDA Denies Poultry Industry's Request To Speed Up The Slaughter Line
By Nicole Erwin - The U.S. Department of Agriculture has denied a petition by the National Chicken Council to remove the line speed limit on work at some slaughterhouses, a move that food safety advocates are calling a victory for workers and consumers.
January 22nd, 2018
| Organic Authority
USDA Proposes Lifting Meat Processing Line Speed Caps in Pork Plants
By EMILY MONACO - The USDA released a proposed rule Friday to lift caps on line speeds in meat processing plants, granting individual facilities the power to determine how quickly pork can be processed on site.
January 19th, 2018
| Reuters
USDA proposes new rule 'modernizing' hog plant inspections
By Reuters Staff - The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) on Friday announced new guidelines that could change how packers process hogs into pork.
October 4th, 2017
| Food Safety News
San Francisco grocers subject to new meat/poultry reporting
BY CORAL BEACH - Lawmakers in the Golden Gate City want to close the door on unnecessary antibiotic use in livestock, so they've unanimously OK'd a local ordinance requiring large retailers to annually report on antibiotics used by their meat and poultry suppliers.
October 4th, 2017
| Reveal, from the Center for Investigative Reporting
All work. No Pay.
By Amy Julia Harris and Shoshana Walter - McGahey had heard of Christian Alcoholics & Addicts in Recovery. People called it 'the Chicken Farm' a rural retreat where defendants stayed for a year, got addiction treatment and learned to live more productive lives…
September 27th, 2017
Restaurant report card: What's in your fast food meat?
By Michael Nedelman - Our favorite fast foods could come back to bite us, according to a report released Wednesday -- and it's not just the extra calories.
August 30th, 2017
| The Sacramento Bee
Pigs, calves could join chickens on California's cage-free list
By Jim Miller - Nearly a decade after winning a nationally watched California campaign to require more space for egg-laying hens, the Humane Society of the United States on Tuesday moved to return to the state ballot in 2018 with another far-reaching initiative.
June 22nd, 2017
| Bloomberg
There Could Be Ketamine in Your ˜Natural" Chicken
By Deena Shanker - Consumer groups use a novel strategy to sue a poultry producer over claims the drug turned up in its products.
April 11th, 2017
| OPB's Earthfix
Mega-Dairy Air Pollution Threat Puts Environmentalists On Alert
By: Courtney Flatt - Industrial-scale livestock operations have for years been a growing part of America's rural landscape. They often create friction with opponents who warn of increased odors and water contamination. But the planned mega-dairy expansion in Eastern Oregon is raising concerns about an additional ecological threat: air pollution.
February 21st, 2017
| Quartz
The top US chicken company says it's going to stop using antibiotics on its birds
By: Chase Purdy - The second-largest poultry company in the world announced today (Feb. 21) it would stop using antibiotics on its chickens by June 2017.
February 15th, 2017
| Civil Eats
Absent Federal Policy, States Take Lead on Animal Welfare
By: Elizabeth Grossman - In the opening weeks of the Trump administration, the state of animal welfare's with so much other policy is in upheaval. On February 9, the administration froze the implementation of the just-passed Organic Livestock and Poultry Practices (OLPP)" the only comprehensive federal law that regulates the welfare of animals raised for food.
October 8th, 2016
| Vice - Munchies
Why It's a Huge Deal that a Major Chicken Producer Is Going to Stop Using Antibiotics
By: Alex Swerdloff - In an announcement this week by the company's chairman, Jim Perdue, at the Wall Street Journal's Global Food Forum, we learned two things. First, the chicken purveyor became the first major poultry supplier to remove all antibiotics from its chicken supply. Second, it's going through a lot of baby wipes. Like, a lot a lot.
February 29th, 2016
Subway to roll out its first antibiotic-free sub
By Sarah Whitten - Subway is taking its first step on the long road toward making all of its meats antibiotic free.
February 4th, 2016
| The Des Moines Register
Poultry standards toughened to prevent salmonella
By Christopher Doering - Cameron Harsh, a spokesman with the Center for Food Safety who supports the new standards, said there is always room for food safety improvements throughout the supply chain. "Consumers should feel that the USDA is making strides in ensuring the safety of poultry products," he said.
February 1st, 2016
| The New York Times
No More Exposes in North Carolina
Editorial Board - Factory farm operators believe that the less Americans know about what goes on behind their closed doors, the better for the industry. That's because the animals sent through those factories often endure an unimaginable amount of mistreatment and abuse. The secrecy promoted by ag-gag laws should have no place in American society.
September 17th, 2015
| The Hill
Companies step up for cage-free eggs
By Michael Markarian - The vast majority of egg-laying hens in the U.S. are crammed into tiny, barren battery cages so small and cramped that the animals can’t even fully spread their wings…
September 15th, 2015
| Grist
Subway gets shamed for fresh message, not-so-fresh practices
By Katie Herzog - The sandwich giant received an F rating for its use of antibiotics in meat and poultry in a new report compiled by the Natural Resources Defense Council. Subway is one of 20 restaurants to receive failing grades (including Starbucks, KFC, Sonic, Arby's, and, to the surprise of absolutely no one, Taco Bell) but was singled out because it markets itself as healthy.
September 9th, 2015
| San Francisco Chronicle
Meat pioneer Niman Ranch being sold to chicken giant Perdue
By Tara Duggan - Perdue's move, announced Tuesday night, is part of a larger trend among large American meat companies as well as restaurants to offer antibiotic-free and humanely raised meat, citing customer demand.
September 9th, 2015
| New York Times
McDonald's Plans a Shift to Eggs From Only Cage-Free Hens
By Stephanie Strom - In a move that has significant implications for American and Canadian egg producers, the McDonald's Corporation is announcing that it will begin phasing out the use of eggs from hens housed in cages.
August 8th, 2015
| The New York Times
Exposing Abuse on the Factory Farm
By Editorial Board - While most Americans enjoy eating meat, it is hard to stomach the often sadistic treatment of factory-farmed cows, pigs and chickens.
August 5th, 2015
| Modern Farmer
Unwinding the Overturn of Idaho's 'Ag-Gag' Law
By Andrew Amelinckx - Cristina Stella, a staff attorney for the Center for Food Safety, who was also a plantiff in the case, says even if no one is charged or convicted under these types of laws, the mere fact they are on the books creates a "chilling effect" on constitutionally protected speech.
August 4th, 2015
| Slate
The Beginning of the End for Ag-Gag Laws
By Josh Voorhees - Wide-ranging coalition of organizations, including the American Civil Liberties Union and the Center for Food Safety, joined animal rights groups in challenging the law in Idaho and elsewhere. The lawsuits also have the backing of the Government Accountability Project, the AFL-CIO, and a host of media organizations, including NPR…
August 4th, 2015
Judge strikes down Idaho 'Ag-gag' Law, Raising Questions for other States
By Luke Runyon - Idaho's so-called "ag-gag" law, which outlawed undercover investigations of farming operations, is no more. A judge in the federal District Court for Idaho decided Monday that it was unconstitutional, citing First Amendment protections for free speech.But what about the handful of other states with similar laws on the books?
May 21st, 2015
| Yakima Herald-Republic
Ag industry put on notice about pollution of wells
Editorial - Last week, three Valley dairies whose manure-management practices have been found to be a public health threat finalized settlement of a federal lawsuit, and Tuesday the federal judge presiding over the lawsuit signed off on the agreement…
April 28th, 2015
Tyson Foods To Stop Giving Chickens Antibiotics Used By Humans
By Dan Charles - Tyson Foods, the country's biggest poultry producer, is promising to stop feeding its chickens any antibiotics that are used in human medicine. It's the most dramatic sign so far of a major shift by the poultry industry.
March 31st, 2015
| Statesman Journal
Oregon Legislature targets antibiotics in factory farms
By Saerom Yoo - The Oregon Legislature is considering limiting the nonmedical use of antibiotics in large animal farms through two bills, with the hopes of preventing the growth of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
March 8th, 2015
FDA Tests Turn Up Dairy Farmers Breaking The Law On Antibiotics
By Dan Charles - Lactating cows, unlike hogs, cattle or chickens that are raised for their meat, don't receive antibiotics unless they are actually sick. That's because drug residues immediately appear in the cow's milk, a violation of food safety rules. Yet a new report from the Food and Drug Administration reveals that a few farmers are slipping through a hole in this enforcement net…
February 13th, 2015
| National Geographic
Should We Continue to Feed Antibiotics to Livestock?
By Kelsey Nowakowski - Since the 1950s farmers have fed antibiotic growth promoters (AGPs) to livestock. Overusing these substances can create superbugs, pathogens that are resistant to multiple drugs and could be passed along to humans. Mindful of that, companies such as Perdue Farms have stopped using the drugs to make chickens gain weight faster.
December 2nd, 2014
| The New York Times
Christie's Pig-Crate Politics
By Mark Bittman - I'd love to see the guy's political prospects fall apart over pork, and not the kind you're thinking of. Rather, I'm hoping he'll become a primary example of how reactionary food policy will no longer play. Last week, Christie vetoed a bill that would have banned the use of gestation crates in New Jersey.
November 20th, 2014
| Boulder Weekly
Oops, We Forgot to Study That
By Caitlin Rockett - The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is no stranger to allegations of under-regulation, but among recent criticisms is the agency's repeated approval of a series of veterinary drugs based on ractopamine, a growth-producing supplement that has U.S. nonprofits filing lawsuits against the agency.
November 18th, 2014
| Boise Weekly
Coalition Asks U.S. Court For Judgment in Challenge to Idaho Ag-Gag
By George Prentice - On Tuesday, a coalition, including the Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF), People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), the American Civil Liberties Union of Idaho (ACLU), and Center for Food Safety (CFS), filed a motion for summary judgment in their lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of Idaho's "ag gag" statute.
November 8th, 2014
| The Des Moines Register
FDA is sued over popular feed additive
By Christopher Doering - Food safety, animal health and environmental groups are suing the Food and Drug Administration, charging the agency did not fully consider the impact a popular animal feed additive would have on people, livestock and the environment before approving its use.
November 6th, 2014
| Liviing on Earth, Public Radio International
EPA approves a new herbicide for GMO crops and lawsuits follow
By Adam Wernick - A coalition of environmental groups and farmers is suing the EPA over its approval of Dow AgroSciences' new crop herbicide, Enlist Duo. The lawsuit alleges inadequate environmental and health assessments by the agency. The effort is led by the Natural Resources Defense Council and The Center for Food Safety.
October 3rd, 2014
| Fod Safety News
Judge Dismisses Challenge to California Egg Law
A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit brought against a California law prohibiting the sale of eggs from hens kept in battery cages where they can't move around or spread their wings.
September 18th, 2014
| Washington Post
Obama directs federal agencies to ramp up efforts to deal with antibiotic resistance
By Amy Nutt - After years of warnings from the science and medical communities about the depletion of the world's arsenal of effective antibiotics, President Obama directed federal agencies Thursday to significantly ramp up their efforts to deal with the threat.
September 15th, 2014
| Reuters
Poultry firms systematically feed low-dose antibiotics to flocks
By Brian Grow & P.J. Huffstutter - Internal records examined by Reuters reveal that some of the nation's largest poultry producers routinely feed chickens an array of antibiotics "not just when sickness strikes, but as a standard practice over most of the birds' lives."
September 11th, 2014
| TakePart
When the Feds Won't Regulate Big Ag's Antibiotic Abuse, Cities Call for Reform
by Jason Best - Last week San Francisco and Berkeley became the first cities in California to join a growing number of local governments pressing lawmakers in Washington to take action on the issue of antibiotic use in the ag industry…
September 4th, 2014
| Public Justice
Green Light to Constitutional Challenge to Idaho Ag-Gag Law
By Leslie Brueckner - The court's 33-page ruling affirms that Idaho's statute "which criminalizes whistleblowing at factory farms"may violate the First Amendment and the Equal Protection Clause of the U.S. Constitution. Big Ag is now officially on notice that these laws are constitutionally suspect.
September 3rd, 2014
| Des Moines Register
Purdue reduces antibiotic use in chickens
By Christopher Doering - "With this announcement, the pressure is now squarely on the shoulders of FDA to ensure all companies are following the recommendations advocated by food safety and public health advocates," said Paige Tomaselli, senior attorney for the Center for Food Safety." Stop the use of any non-therapeutic antibiotics in meat production once and for all."
September 3rd, 2014
Chicken Company Perdue Takes Big Steps to Reduce Antibiotic Use
By Maryn McKenna - Big news in the world of food policy, farming and antibiotic use: Perdue Farms, the third-largest chicken producer in the United States, announced today that during the past decade it has ceased using most of the antibiotics that formerly propped up its chicken production. There are caveats to that "most," and I'll explain them…
August 18th, 2014
| TakePart
The Beef With Beef Labels: Do You Know What They Mean?
By Jane Lear - Here's how to make sure you're buying beef that was raised the way you think it was.
August 11th, 2014
| Public Radio International
Consumers are demanding antibiotic-free meat, and Big Food is starting to listen
By Joe Rubin - Petaluma Poultry in the hills north of San Francisco is the kind of place most people might like to imagine their chicken dinner comes from. Free-range chickens meander in a shaded outdoor area, picking for worms and bugs, while a sea of week-old chicks skitters and chirps underfoot inside a barn, with lots of room to roam.
August 5th, 2014
| Civil Eats
What Toledo's Water Crisis Reveals About Industrial Farming
By Doug Gurian-Sherman - As you may have heard, about half a million people in the Toledo, Ohio area lost their municipal drinking water supply on Saturday because of possible microbial toxin contamination from Lake Erie. A combination of heavier spring rains, exacerbated by climate change, and runoff of phosphorus from fertilizer applied to crops is the likely cause.
July 30th, 2014
| New York Times
The F.D.A.'s Blatant Failure on Food
By Ruth Reichl - EVERY year, antibiotic-resistant infections kill at least 23,000 Americans and make another two million sick, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That's why a recent ruling by the United States Second Circuit Court of Appeals is so appalling.
July 29th, 2014
| Food Safety News
Senators Want More Antibiotics Information From FDA
By News Desk - Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) and Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) wrote to U.S. Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Margaret Hamburg on Monday to ask for more information regarding the agency's efforts to curb the overuse of antibiotics in food animal production.
June 30th, 2014
| Food Safety News
AMA Seeks Ban on Antibiotic Use on Farms for Growth Promotion
By Lydia Zuraw -The American Medical Association (AMA) is calling for federal action to ban antibiotic use in food animals for growth promotion purposes so as to slow the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
April 29th, 2014
| San Francisco Chronicle
Ban sought on animal antibiotics as human resistance grows
By Stacy Finz - Health professionals and public interest groups, supporting a proposed California law that would ban the sale of meat and poultry fed on nontherapeutic antibiotics, say human resistance to the lifesaving drugs has reached critical mass.
April 14th, 2014
| Washington Post
Did USDA mislead the public, Congress about injury risks for poultry workers?
By Kimberly Kindy - It's being called an "interagency throw down." The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture officials are publicly feuding over the results of a study that found the same double-digit injury rates among poultry plant workers both before and after processing lines had accelerated.
March 28th, 2014
| The New York Times
Antibiotic Use, and Abuse, on the Farms
By THE EDITORIAL BOARD - The Food and Drug Administration's efforts to get the voluntary cooperation of drug companies to curb the overuse of antibiotics in animal feed is off to a rousing good start. The agency announced on Wednesday that 25 of the 26 manufacturers of the antibiotics of greatest concern had agreed to modify their labels to block such usage…
March 20th, 2014
| Vice
Even Putin Thinks the Drugs We Give to American Livestock Are Bad News
By Lauren Rothman - In December 2012, the Center for Food Safety and the Animal Legal Defense Fund jointly filed a petition with the FDA "which oversees the use of feed additives like ractopamine" asking the agency to release its findings on the drug's safety, which it has never done…
March 19th, 2014
| The Atlantic
The Law That Makes It Illegal to Report on Animal Cruelty
Andrew Cohen - A complaint filed Monday in federal court in Idaho challenging the state's new "ag-gag" law is one of the most compelling I have read in a long time. As much a history lesson and muckraking manifesto as a series of factual allegations, the document asserts that Idaho's nascent effort to chill public oversight of its agricultural industry is both unconstitutional and unwise…
March 17th, 2014
| Boise Weekly
Video: Groups File Suit Against Idaho Governor, State Attorney General Over Ag-Gag Law
by Harrison Berry and Keely Mills - Monday morning, a contingent of litigants appeared at the Idaho Statehouse to announce that they had filed suit against Otter and Idaho Attorney General Lawrence Wasden, claiming the ag-gag law "has both the purpose and effect of impairing the public debate over animal welfare, food safety environmental, and labor issues that arise on public and private land." T…
March 12th, 2014
| Reuters
U.S. cattle deaths linked to Zilmax far exceed company reports: study
By Tom Polansek and P.J. Huffstutter - The number of U.S. cattle deaths that may be linked to the Merck & Co Inc feed additive Zilmax are much higher than the figures reported by the drug company to the federal government, according to a research study published on Wednesday.
March 8th, 2014
| The New York Times
The Fat Drug
By PAGAN KENNEDY - IF you walk into a farm-supply store today, you're likely to find a bag of antibiotic powder that claims to boost the growth of poultry and livestock. That's because decades of agricultural research has shown that antibiotics seem to flip a switch in young animals' bodies, helping them pack on pounds. But what if that meat is us?
March 4th, 2014
| The New York Times
They're Going to Wish They All Could Be California Hens
By STEPHANIE STROM - If you're a hen, you want to live in California. Short of that, you want California-size leg room. And that's precisely what lawmakers in California are demanding of out-of-state farmers who sell eggs in California - setting off a feud over interstate commerce that has spilled over into the farmyard at large…
February 5th, 2014
| The Guardian
Water tech startup aims to green manure at factory farms
By Erica Gies - It was one of the largest environmental spills in US history, and it wasn't oil or coal ash, but something straight off the farm: hog manure. An eight-acre pool of the stuff burst in North Carolina in 1995, spilling 25m gallons into the New River…
February 4th, 2014
| Epoch Times
High Risk Drugs Used in Livestock
By Conan Milner - Documents show that between 2001 and 2010, the FDA reviewed the safety of 30 penicillin and tetracycline feed additives approved for "nontherapeutic use" in livestock and poultry. The documents show that the FDA rated 18 of the drugs as high risk of exposing humans to antibiotic resistant bacteria through the food supply and of adversely affecting human health.
January 27th, 2014
| Healthy Food Action
Arsenic. It's What's for Dinner.
By Paige Tomaselli - Just about everyone recognizes arsenic as a poison. Most Americans also know it contaminates well and drinking water. A 2007 study showed that 137 million Americans have arsenic in their drinking water; the most tainted supplies are in New England and the Northern Midwest…
January 27th, 2014
| Huffington Post
If a Chicken Exists Only to Become Chicken Nuggets, Does It Really Matter How She Lived? The Connection Between the Human Treatment of Animals, Health and Food Safety
By Elizabeth Kucinich - It's a subject that comedians have latched on to. If you are going to kill, slaughter, and eat an animal why should you be concerned about the quality of her life? This week as thousands gather in Atlanta for the International Poultry Expo, I thought it timely to write about more serious aspects of the chicken that goes into a happy meal.
January 20th, 2014
| The New York Times
Demand Grows for Hogs That Are Raised Humanely Outdoors
By STEPHANIE STROM - Several factors are driving the appetite for pasture-raised pork, grocers and chefs say. Consumers are increasingly aware of and concerned about the conditions under which livestock is raised, and somewhat more willing to pay higher prices for meat certified to have come from animals that were humanely raised.
January 12th, 2014
| Salon
Big Ag's big lie: Factory farms, your health and the new politics of antibiotics
By Alexander Zaitchik - Science only gets clearer: Factory farms are accelerating an antibiotics nightmare. Political ties help it happen.
January 10th, 2014
| Mother Jones
Smithfield, Tyson Encouraging Transition Away From Gestation Crates
By Tom Philpott - On Thursday, Tyson announced it had begun "urging" its hog contractors to "improve housing for pregnant sows...urging all future sow barn construction or remodeling to allow for pregnant sows of all sizes to stand, lie down, stretch their legs and turn around." Granted, it's a statement without teeth: It requests, not requires, action, and gives no timeline.
December 21st, 2013
| Food Poisoning Bulletin
Center for Food Safety Challenges Utah's Ag Gag Law
By Linda Larsen - Animal welfare and food safety groups are joining CFS in challenging Utah's ag-gag law, which makes it a crime to video animal abuse and cruelty while undercover…
December 19th, 2013
| Mother Jones
5 Surprising Things We Feed Cows
By Alex Park - Forget the old standbys of corn, soy, hay, and drugs-well, those are in there too- along with sawdust, candy (wrappers and all), chicken poop, ground limestone, and crab guts. Yes, crab guts, which are essentially very cheap protein. Limestone is cheap calcium, candy (plus wrappers) are cheap sugar, sawdust is cheap carbohydrates, and chicken poop? Well, it's just cheap.
December 18th, 2013
| Food Safety News
Center for Food Safety Supports Legal Challenge to Utah's "Ag-gag" Law
"In the absence of effective government regulation, private, undercover investigations of the kind conducted by [the] Plaintiffs and outlawed by Utah's 'ag gag' law fulfill the much-needed role of overseeing the safety of our food supply," wrote Center for Food Safety attorney Cristina Stella.
December 13th, 2013
| Civil Eats
FDA's Step to Limit Animal Antibiotics Symbolic - Animal Husbandry Issues Must Still be Addressed
By Ralph Loglisci - Not surprisingly, the recommendations do little to address the reasons why industrial-scale farms rely so heavily on antibiotics. Instead, they've come up with a complicated voluntary process that may in the end do little to save the effectiveness of antibiotics for both people and animals.
December 11th, 2013
| Politico
FDA to crack down on antibiotics in meat
By HELENA BOTTEMILLER EVICH - The Food and Drug Administration issued two major proposals Wednesday morning in an effort to cut back on antibiotics used on farms that can spur drug-resistant superbugs, making a final push to limit drugs fed to animals before they're turned into steaks and pork chops.
December 3rd, 2013
| Food Safety News
Q&A: US Rep. Louise Slaughter Discusses Antibiotic Resistance
By Lydia Zuraw - In March of this year, U.S. Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-NY) introduced the fourth version of her Preservation of Antibiotics for Medical Treatment Act to the U.S. House of Representatives. The bill would ban non-therapeutic uses of medically important antibiotics in food animal production.
November 26th, 2013
| Grist
Calling fowl: How to pick the most humane turkey for Thanksgiving
By Deena Shanker - Once upon a time, in a land called the grocery store, customers could walk right in, grab a turkey, and take it home for Thanksgiving…
November 26th, 2013
| Food Safety News
Mandatory Country-of-Origin Meat Labeling Now In Effect
As of Saturday, Nov. 23, the labels on some grocery store meat will now be required to indicate from where it came. While the rules is being contested in court by meat industry stakeholders and the governments of Canada and Mexico, mandatory country-of-origin labeling (COOL) on meat requires that retailers identify the specific country where the animal was born, raised and slaughtered.
November 19th, 2013
| Associated Press
Farm bill takes aim at state animal welfare laws
By MARY CLARE JALONICK - The future of state laws that regulate everything from the size of a hen's cage to the safe consumption of Gulf oysters may be at stake as farm bill negotiators work to resolve a long-simmering fight between agriculture and animal welfare interests.
November 14th, 2013
| Food Safety News
USDA Introduces Certification Program for Meat Without Growth-Enhancing Drugs
By Cathy Siegner - A new U.S. Department of Agriculture certification program for livestock producers may permit them to market their products with a special "Never Fed Beta Agonists" label. Beta agonists are feed additives used to increase muscle mass and promote weight gain in livestock animals…
November 13th, 2013
| Spiegel Online
Cutting Antibiotics: Denmark Leads Way in Healthier Pig Farming
By Julia Koch - Many tons of antibiotics are administered every year to chickens and pigs in Europe, a trend that encourages the rise of drug-resistant microbes. But Denmark has shown how farmers can be made to abandon this policy of dangerous over-medication.
November 5th, 2013
| Mother Jones
Obama's 5 Biggest Sellouts to the Meat Industry
By Tom Philpott - When Barack Obama won the presidency in November 2008, taking on the meat industry surely ranked somewhere behind managing the financial crisis and wrangling two wars on his list of priorities. Still, he had explicitly promised to crack down on some of Big Meat's excesses.
November 4th, 2013
Why Are Pig Farmers Still Using Growth-Promoting Drugs?
By Dan Charles - It's one of the most controversial practices in agriculture: feeding small amounts of antibiotics to animals in order to make them grow faster. But what if the drugs don't even work very well?
November 1st, 2013
| Salon
Is this meat's most dangerous additive?
By Martha Rosenberg - This month, the Center for Food Safety (CFS) and Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF) have sued the FDA for withholding records pertaining to ractopamine's safety…
November 1st, 2013
Are Farm Veterinarians Pushing Too Many Antibiotics?
By Dan Charles - Unfortunately, when it comes to antibiotics on the farm, it's not always a win-win. And when there's a fight, veterinarians are right in the middle of it, pushed back and forth by conflicting loyalties.
October 27th, 2013
| USA Today
Curbing antibiotics on farms taking too long: Our view
The Editorial Board - Want to ensure that miracle drugs can no longer perform miracles? Then do what some physicians and industrial livestock farmers have done for years: Overprescribe antibiotics to people, and use them cavalierly in farm animals to promote growth or prevent infections before they even occur.
October 23rd, 2013
| Politico
Report: Progress on Pew farm policy recs gets an "F"
By HELENA BOTTEMILLER EVICH - Little to no progress has been made on the recommendations made in 2008 by the landmark Pew Commission on Industrial Farm Animal Production, according to a progress report issued Tuesday by Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future…
October 7th, 2013
| The Daily Green - This latest move on arsenic in the food supply will result in an almost total elimination of arsenic from animal feed. The manufacturers of the three drugs indicated to the FDA that they wanted the approvals withdrawn after receiving questions about arsenic in the food supply from the FDA, prompted by the Center for Food Safety's 2009 petition to remove arsenic from animal feed.
FDA Removing Arsenic from Chicken
By Dan Shapley
October 4th, 2013
| Living on Earth - Public Radio International
Interview: FDA Bans (Most) Arsenic in Chicken Feed
The Center for Food Safety petitioned the FDA to ban arsenic in feed additives for chicken and turkey four years ago. There was no response, until now. CFS lawyer Paige Tomaselli explains to host Steve Curwood that the FDA has ruled all but one arsenic-containing feed products must be removed from the market.
October 1st, 2013
| Food Safety News
FDA to Withdraw Approvals for Arsenic in Animal Feed
The Food and Drug Administration responded Monday to a four-year-old petition from the Center for Food Safety and the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, stating that the agency was in the process of formally withdrawing approval for the use of arsenic-based drugs in animal feed.
September 20th, 2013
| Salon
Factory farms may be killing us
By Theresa Morris - What would our healthcare system look like if we couldn't perform surgeries, administer chemotherapy, replace joints, treat diabetes? It would be the end of modern medicine as we know it. A new report from the Centers for Disease Control warns we could be headed toward that very future.
September 16th, 2013
| Baltimore Sun
Living near hog waste linked to drug-resistant infections
By Tim Wheeler - Living by a hog farm or near crop fields fertilized with the animals' manure can raise your risk of getting a drug-resistant infection, a new study finds.
September 13th, 2013
| TakePart
USDA Plans to Expand Worrisome Meat-Inspection Program
By Steve Holt - Remember when we reported that the United States Department of Agriculture was set to relax oversight of the poultry industry and allow slaughterhouses to speed up their kill lines? Food-safety experts lined up at the time to condemn the policy, which would privatize slaughterhouse inspections and allow poultry processing plants to kill the birds 25 percent faster…
September 3rd, 2013
| Politico
Report: Not so fast on chicken processing changes, USDA
By BILL TOMSON and TARINI PARTI - The Department of Agriculture needs to hit the brakes on its plan to allow poultry plants to speed production lines by 25 percent while replacing government inspectors with plant employees, a congressional report advises. The U.S…
August 30th, 2013
| Washington Post
EPA Sued-Livestock Farm Rule story
By Associated Press - Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement has joined four animal, food and water protection groups in a lawsuit against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, challenging its oversight of large livestock confinement operations…
August 28th, 2013
| Associated Press
EPA sued for scrapping livestock data collection
Environmental and animal welfare groups sued the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on Wednesday, alleging the federal agency unlawfully scrapped a rule that would have authorized it to collect information from large-scale livestock confinement farms…
August 28th, 2013
| Mother Jones
Your Steak Is Addicted to Drugs
By Tom Philpott - Is the US beef industry turning away from the practice of turning to drugs to fatten its cattle? Not so fast. Rather than wean themselves from growth promoters, the companies that produce cows to supply the likes of Tyson and JBS are instead shifting rapidly to a rival beta-agonist, this one from pharma giant Eli Lilly, called Optaflexx…
August 21st, 2013
Inside The Beef Industry's Battle Over Growth-Promotion Drugs
By Dan Charles - When the drug company Merck Animal Health plans to suspend sales of its Zilmax feed additive last week, many observers were shocked. Yet concern about Zilmax and the class of growth-promotion drugs called beta agonists has been building for some time…
August 13th, 2013
| Reuters
Exclusive: Video of 'lame' cattle stirs new concern over growth drugs
By P.J. Huffstutter and Lisa Baertlein - The video was shown on the same day the nation's largest meat producer, Tyson Foods Inc, declared it would no longer accept cattle that had been fed the most popular brand of the feed additive, called Zilmax, a powerful and fast-selling product from pharmaceutical company Merck & Co…
August 5th, 2013
| Huffington Post
Stunning Ag-gag Bill News
By Ocean Robbins - The spread of ag-gag bills is alarming for many reasons. Aside from exposing specific incidents of animal abuse, undercover videos have also drawn attention to industry practices such as housing chickens in cramped battery cages that hasten the sickening of birds and the spread of salmonella…
August 2nd, 2013
| Star Telegram
EPA asks judge to reject W.Va. farmer's lawsuit
Associated Press - The Center for Food Safety, Earthjustice, Food & Water Watch, Potomac Riverkeeper, Waterkeeper Alliance, and West Virginia Rivers Coalition also filed a motion for summary judgment Thursday. They say neither Alt's farm "nor the other tens of thousands of commercial farms like it across the country" should be exempt from federal water-protection laws.
July 27th, 2013
| AgriNews
Drought accelerates use of drugs to beef up cattle
In December, the Center for Food Safety and the Animal Legal Defense Fund filed a petition with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration urging the agency to conduct comprehensive studies on the long-term effects of human consumption and animal health.
July 25th, 2013
| Nature
MRSA: Farming up trouble
Beth Mole - Microbiologists are trying to work out whether use of antibiotics on farms is fuelling the human epidemic of drug-resistant bacteria.
July 22nd, 2013
| Politico
Republicans who got farm subsidies targeted
By Ginger Gibson - House Democrats are targeting Republicans who receive farm subsidies but opposed a stripped-down farm bill with no food stamp assistance.
July 22nd, 2013
| Food Safety News
USDA Steps Up Enforcement for Humane Treatment of Animals
By Dan Flynn - USDA's meat inspectors are stepping up enforcement for humane treatment of animals, especially by smaller plants. In its last quarterly enforcement report for the second quarter of the federal fiscal year, USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) called out more than a half dozen small meat plants for non-compliance in inhumane treatment and/or slaughter.
July 12th, 2013
| Scientific American
Defecation Nation: Pig Waste Likely to Rise in U.S. from Business Deal
By Dina Fine Maron - A proposed acquisition of Smithfield Foods would send pork to China and leave more pig feces in the U.S., potentially increasing the risk of superbug infections and other diseases.
July 11th, 2013
| Huffington Post
WATCH: 'Ag Gag' Laws Silence Factory Farm Whistleblowers
By Bill Moyers - Wired quoted an attorney at the nonprofit Center for Food Safety, who said, "public health issues, food safety issues, environmental issues: all those things can be exposed through undercover investigations." But not if the corporations behind ALEC, their devotees, and disciples get their way.
July 10th, 2013
| U.S. News & World Report
Senate Hearing on Smithfield-Shuanghui Deal: A Primer
By Danielle Kurtzleben - n a June blog post, environmental advocacy group the Center for Food Safety worried that as production and exports rise, "the external costs of production will remain on U.S. soil. This means Americans will be stuck with the millions of gallons of manure, millions of pounds of air pollution, and community exposure to pollution," wrote Staff Attorney Elisabeth Holmes.
July 10th, 2013
Smithfield Says Pork Won't Change, But Some Aren't Buying It
By Marilyn Geewax - Americans will get the same ham slabs and bacon slices they have enjoyed for generations, even after Smithfield Foods becomes a Chinese subsidiary, Smithfield CEO Larry Pope told Congress on Wednesday. "It will be the same old Smithfield, only better," Pope said at a …
July 9th, 2013
| New York Times
Breeding Bacteria on Factory Farms
By MARK BITTMAN - The story of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in farm animals is not a simple one. But here's the pitch version: Yet another study has reinforced the idea that keeping animals in confinement and feeding them antibiotics prophylactically breeds varieties of bacteria that cause disease in humans, disease that may not readily be treated by antibiotics…
July 5th, 2013
| Wired
"Pig MRSA" Carried by Workers from North Carolina Intensive Hog Farms
By Maryn McKenna - An important study has just been published which makes a close connection between the emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, and the use of antibiotics on large-scale conventional hog farms…
July 3rd, 2013
| Chicago Tribune
FDA slow to issue guidelines on arsenic in rice
By Monica Eng - After tests found worrisome levels of arsenic in American rice last fall, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced it would test 1,000 additional samples by the end of the year and issue recommendations "promptly." Nearly 10 months later, the agency has not released the new test results or offered guidelines for consumers.
June 25th, 2013
| Food Safety News
Yakima Dairies' Agreement With EPA Is On, But So Is Federal Trial
By Dan Flynn - A newly nominated federal judge ruled Friday that he wants to hear more about dairies in Washington State's Yakima Valley that may be contributing to groundwater contamination, and he will do so at a civil trial that's certain to be watched nationally because it challenges large-scale farming practices in the dairy industry. The decision by U.S…
June 20th, 2013
| Reuters
Senators urge inclusion of food safety in Smithfield review
By Doug Palmer - A bipartisan group of 15 U.S. senators urged the Obama administration on Thursday to consider whether the proposed sale of Smithfield Foods Inc to Chinese meat company Shuanghui International posed any threat to U.S. food safety or food security that could justify blocking the deal.
June 8th, 2013
| Yakima Herald
Opposing sides argue positions in groundwater pollution case
By Ross Courtney - Whether cow manure is a dangerous waste or a useful product was the issue Friday as powerful lawyers descended on the federal courthouse in Yakima for the first hearing in an environmental lawsuit that has attracted national attention. The case could set a precedent for how the country and the legal system view livestock manure.
June 4th, 2013
| Food Safety News
Smithfield Sale Raises New Questions About the Future of Ractopamine
By Helena Bottemiller - "Americans aren't getting the ractopamine-free pork," said Elisabeth Holmes, a staff attorney for the Center for Food Safety, which has petitioned the FDA to reevaluate the drug's impact on human health and animal welfare and lower the trace residue levels that the agency considers safe in meat products…
June 3rd, 2013
| Mother Jones
China Could Actually Improve US Pork. Here's How.
By Tom Philpott - As it turns out, the Chinese government has stricter standards than US food safety authorities on one aspect of industrial hog production: the use of pharmaceuticals that ramp up animals' stress hormones and heart rates but also make them grow leaner and faster…
May 30th, 2013
Will Chinese Firm Bring Home The Bacon With Smithfield Deal?
By Peggy Lowe - Elizabeth Holmes, a staff attorney at the , says U.S. regulators should take a hard look at the deal. "They're supposed to identify and address any national security concerns that would arise," she said of the committee. "I can't imagine how something like public health or environmental pollution couldn't be potentially construed as a national security concern."
May 29th, 2013
| Food Safety News
Q & A with Author Ted Conover on His Work as a USDA Meat Inspector
By James Andrews - In the fall of 2012, Conover set his sights on the food industry when he left his home in New York City to spend six weeks as a U.S. Department of Agriculture inspector at a Cargill beef plant in Schuyler, Nebraska…
May 28th, 2013
| Mother Jones
USDA's Watchdog Reveals "Egregious" Hog Slaughter Conditions
By Tom Philpott - The Internal Revenue Service isn't the only federal bureaucracy to be recently taken to task by its Office of the Inspector General…
May 23rd, 2013
| Food Safety News
Concerns About Animal Welfare, Food Safety Spur Industry Changes
By Cookson Beecher - A large part of consumers' growing interest in humane animal practices was actually fueled by food safety concerns, which opened the door to a new awareness of how meat animals were being raised and slaughtered.
May 20th, 2013
| Associated Press
Drought accelerates use of drugs to beef up cattle
BY ROXANA HEGEMAN - Cattle feeders in the U.S. are coping with reduced herds and high corn costs in part by increasing their use of growth-inducing drugs designed to bulk up animals, get more pounds of beef from each carcass and circumvent the drought's withering effects on the food cycle…
May 17th, 2013
| Living on Earth
When You Eat Chicken You Could Be Eating Arsenic
Steve Curwood - A new study from Johns Hopkins University updates 2006 research that found excess levels of arsenic in U.S. chicken. In 2009 the Center for Food Safety petitioned the FDA to stop the use of arsenic in chicken feed. The Center's lawyer Paige Tomaselli tells host Steve Curwood that the FDA has not responded to the petition, so now the Center has filed a lawsuit.
May 15th, 2013
| Care2
When You Eat Chicken, You're Eating Arsenic
By Piper Hoffman - Food safety advocates are hacked off that Big Ag is feeding its customers arsenic. So the Center for Food Safety, along with a slew of other like-minded groups, filed a petition three years ago with the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) asking it to withdraw its approval of feeding arsenic to animals raised for human consumption…
May 14th, 2013
| Food Safety News
Arsenic Levels in Chicken Raise Health Concerns
By James Andrews - Research comes on the heels of a lawsuit filed against the U.S. Food and Drug Administration two weeks ago by the Center for Food Safety and eight other government watchdog organizations which demands that the FDA respond to a three-year-old petition to disallow compounds containing arsenic from food animal feed.
May 8th, 2013
| The Hill
Bill would enhance FDA's antibiotics reporting
By Elise Viebeck - A new bipartisan Senate bill seeks to combat drug-resistant disease by requiring federal health officials to enhance reporting of antibiotic use in agriculture. The measure would require the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to report antibiotic sales data "publicly, comprehensively and predictably," according to the Pew Charitable Trusts.
May 6th, 2013
| The Hill
Feds want five-year paper trail for livestock
By Megan R. Wilson - The Obama administration has adopted stricter record keeping rules for the livestock industry in hopes of aiding officials who trace animal-borne diseases. First proposed by the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) under the George W…
May 2nd, 2013
| AlterNet
Why Is the FDA Still Allowing Arsenic in Chicken and Swine Feed?
By Janet Allon - Eight food safety watchdog groups who are fed up with lax federal regulation of our food supply are suing Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, and U.S. Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Margaret Hamburg in San Francisco Federal Court. At issue is the use of cancer-causing, arsenic-based products being used in both chicken and swine feed.
May 2nd, 2013
| Courthouse News
Watchdogs Blast EPA for Allowing Arsenic in Chicken & Swine Feed
By REBEKAH KEARN - Lax federal regulators allow arsenic-based additives in chicken and swine feed that can cause cancer in humans, the Center for Food Safety claims in court. Eight other watchdogs joined the Center for Food Safety in suing Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, and U.S…
May 1st, 2013
| Food & Environment Reporting Network
Antibiotics in Your Food: What's Causing the Rise in Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria in Our Food Supply and Why You Should Buy Antibiotic-Free Food
By Barry Estabrook - As the use of antibiotics in farming and raising livestock has increased, new antibiotic resistant bacteria, or "superbugs" are emerging. Here's what you need to know about antibiotics in your food and eating antibiotic-free food.
April 26th, 2013
| Take Part
What the Cluck?! Feds Relax Oversight of Industrial Poultry
By Steve Holt - Here's some agriculture news that's bound to ruffle more than a few feathers: The United States Department of Agriculture is set to dramatically reduce its oversight of the nation's largest poultry slaughterhouses--and will allow companies to speed up their kill lines. Currently, four inspectors oversee each kill line, which turns out 140 birds per minute…
April 18th, 2013
| Food Safety News
"Ag-Gag" Pulled in California; Gets Vote Today in Tennessee
By Dan Flynn - The Tennessee House today will vote to make it a crime to videotape animal cruety or abuse and then fail to make that evidence available to law enforcement within a 48-hour period. Yesterday, the sponsor of a similar bill in California pulled his measure from the agenda about three hours before it was supposed to get a key committee vote because it was already too hot to handle…
April 16th, 2013
| The New York Times
Report on U.S. Meat Sounds Alarm on Resistant Bacteria
By STEPHANIE STROM - More than half of samples of ground turkey, pork chops and ground beef collected from supermarkets for testing by the federal government contained a bacteria resistant to antibiotics, according to a new report highlighting the findings.
April 16th, 2013
What government tests found in your meat
By Jen Christensen - When you shop for turkey burgers for dinner tonight, you may be buying more than meat. A recently released FDA report found that of all the raw ground turkey tested, 81% was contaminated with antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Also, according to the National Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring System, or NARMS, Retail Meat Annual Report, ground turkey wasn't the only problem…
April 11th, 2013
A Legal Twist In The Effort To Ban Cameras From Livestock Plants
By Alastair Bland - For years, undercover videos documenting animal cruelty at farms and slaughterhouses have cast the nation's meat and dairy farmers in a grim light. In response, the livestock industry supported legislative efforts in multiple states designed to keep cameras from recording without permission in livestock plants…
April 9th, 2013
| New York Times
Editorial: Eating With Our Eyes Closed
By the Editorial Board - The food that comes from factory farms is ultimately consumed by the public, which gives the public an interest in knowing how that food is produced…
April 6th, 2013
| The New York Times
Taping of Farm Cruelty Is Becoming the Crime
By RICHARD A. OPPEL Jr. - On one covert video, farm workers illegally burn the ankles of Tennessee walking horses with chemicals. Another captures workers in Wyoming punching and kicking pigs and flinging piglets into the air. And at one of the country’s largest egg suppliers, a video shows hens caged alongside rotting bird corpses, while workers burn and snap off the beaks of young chicks.
March 28th, 2013
| Food Safety News
Indiana, Arkansas Among States Close to Votes on Ag-gag Bills
By Dan Flynn - Bills to protect animal agriculture facilities from outsiders seeking to document what goes on in these establishments were killed by legislatures in New Hampshire, Wyoming and New Mexico, but remain very much alive in a half dozen other states. By about this time last year, Iowa, Utah and Missouri had voted to turn these so-called ag-gag bills into state laws…
March 27th, 2013
| The New York Times
Antibiotics and the Meat We Eat
By David A. Kessler - SCIENTISTS at the Food and Drug Administration systematically monitor the meat and poultry sold in supermarkets around the country for the presence of disease-causing bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics. These food products are bellwethers that tell us how bad the crisis of antibiotic resistance is getting. And they're telling us it's getting worse.
March 18th, 2013
| The Poultry Site
Russia Tells US to Prove Absence of Ractopamine in Meat Products
RUSSIA - Russia has said to the US that can only restart exports of turkey meat to the Russian federation if it supplies additional information about laboratory controls to confirm that ractopamine is not used in production.