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Protecting Our Food, Farms & Environment
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Pacific Northwest
Hawai'i CFS
Center for Food Safety

Monarch butterflies need Endangered Species Act protections now!

Can you send a message to FWS urging it to finalize the ESA listing proposal, protect monarchs from pesticide spraying, and establish enough critical habitat for recovery?
Center for Food Safety

Tell EPA: No PFAS in Our Food!

Toxic PFAS are ingredients in pesticides, where they then end up in our water, soil, and food! That's why we filed a petition demanding EPA cancel all PFAS ingredients in pesticides - can you sign on?
Center for Food Safety

Support a Farm Bill that promotes an organic, climate-friendly, and equitable food system!

Center for Food Safety is partnering with Nature's Path Organic Foods to ensure the Farm Bill supports an organic, climate-friendly, and equitable food future, but we need your voice!
Center for Food Safety

OUT NOW: 25th Anniversary Victory Report!

Center for Food Safety is celebrating 25 years! Our pioneering legal cases protect pollinators, farming communities, and our earth from the devastating impacts of industrial agriculture.
Center for Food Safety

California's Dairy Methane Digester Program 17x More Costly than Reported

New research finds that California has overestimated the return on investment from dairy digesters on mega-dairies by 17-fold, raising questions about the methane digester program's efficacy.
Center for Food Safety

Groundbreaking Legal Action Demands Glyphosate Ban

As it stands, glyphosate's registration is illegal. CFS's groundbreaking document calls for the cancellation and suspension of glyphosate's registration.
Center for Food Safety

Protect States' Ability to Regulate Pesticides

Newly introduced federal legislation would stop states from creating stronger pesticide protections than the federal government. Can you tell Congress to oppose preemption today?
Center for Food Safety

Protect Pollinators From This Notorious Bee-Killing Pesticide!

We need to flood EPA's docket with as many comments as possible to get the notorious bee-killing pesticide, sulfoxaflor, off the market. Can you add your name now?
Center for Food Safety

Historic victory for farmworkers and the environment!

Because of our lawsuit, a federal court overturned EPA's decision that glyphosate is safe for people and wildlife.
Center for Food Safety

Tell USDA to give organic food animals humane living conditions!

Did you know organic meat and dairy companies don't have to provide their animals with sufficient space? Tell USDA to add humane living requirements to the organic standard!
Center for Food Safety

Victory for our right to know!

Because of our lawsuit, a US District Court found unlawful USDA's GMO labeling decision, which allowed for the use of only a QR code to disclose GMO ingredients.
Center for Food Safety

Protect Our Oceans from Factory Fish Farms!

Wild salmon populations are still recovering from a sea lice epidemic caused by 263,000 salmon escaping Cooke's factory fish farm. Tell NOAA to protect our oceans and the species who live in them!

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Animal Factories

Stop the EATS Act!

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Protect States' Ability to Regulate Pesticides

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Animal Factories and Animal Welfare

Tell USDA to give organic food animals humane living conditions!

Act Now!
GE Fish

Stop Secret GMO Salmon!

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