Fortunately, very few fresh fruits and vegetables for sale in the U.S. are genetically engineered. Papaya is the main exception (see below). Additionally, gene-altered sweet corn, zucchini, and some summer squash varieties do occasionally crop up in stores, but it’s rare.
Most GE papaya is grown in Hawaii, where about half of papayas are genetically engineered. Consumers on the West Coast may want to check with their supermarket produce manager to see whether or not the papaya sold at that market is genetically engineered. Outside of the West Coast, most of the papaya you’ll find comes from countries like Brazil and Mexico and areas like the Caribbean, where GE varieties are not cultivated.
Most GE soy and corn become animal feed; the vast majority of the remainder is incorporated into processed foods. Monsanto also recently introduced a GE sweet corn you may find in supermarkets. Ask your grocer to find out if the sweet corn they carry is GE.
Although infrequent, GE squash (zucchini, yellow crookneck squash), is grown in small amounts; ask your grocer if you are concerned. GE russet Burbank potatoes have recently been introduced under the name "Innate," and non-browning GE apples have also been approved (though are not yet on the market).
To be sure your food is non-GE, buy certified organic varieties of these fruits and vegetables.