Sun + Earth Certified certifies cannabis growers with rigorous production standards which go beyond minimum organic regulations and also include workers' rights and community involvement. The website also has a list of farms that are currently certified.
Vote Hemp is a national organization working to promote hemp as an agricultural product through new legislation. Vote Hemp is a great resource for learning about state and federal law concerning hemp production.
Hemp Industries Association (HIA) is a non profit trade association made up of more than1500 companies. They work to educate the public on the benefits of hemp production and to promote sustainable business practices within the industry.
Hemp Today is a hub for the global hemp industry. The website has links to hundreds of news articles and also includes a Spanish language section.
The Cannabis Conservancy (TCC) provides internationally recognized certification to individual farmers and grower groups. Certified farms must adhere to strict sustainability standards.
National Cannabis Industry Association (NCIA) is a national organization of over 2,000 members. NCIA is spearheading efforts to protect legal cannabis businesses and to promote legislation, such as social justice, sensible banking laws, fair taxes and other policy reforms.