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Piecemeal Funding of Food Safety Programs is Wrong Approach

October 7th, 2013
Center for Food Safety

Center for Food Safety Statement on H.J. Res. 77.

It is the position of Center for Food Safety that the only way to ensure that our food system is adequately safe and secure is for Congress to pass a clean CR that funds all federal agencies and departments, such as the one passed by the Senate on September 27.

House Republican leadership should not be cherry-picking which agencies reopen and which remain shuttered. Food safety is broader than just the FDA.  It is a critical issue that relies on a number of federal agencies working in tandem with one another to ensure that our entire food system is protected.

This piecemeal approach by the House leadership erroneously puts FDA funding at odds with other critical food safety issues that would remain in limbo as a result of this appropriations quagmire. Some examples include the regulation of agricultural crops and pesticides, food security programs like Meals on Wheels, monitoring of pollution from factory farms and CAFOs, and the protection of honey bees and other pollinators.

This piecemeal approach is a clear indication that the House leadership is just relying on opinion polls to get them out of the mess they’ve created.  It is time for the House to end this shutdown and vote on the Senate-passed clean CR that funds all federal agencies and departments.

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