View EPA's 12.21.2021 announcement here >>
Statement from George Kimbrell, Center for Food Safety legal director and lead counsel for the plaintiffs in the 2016-2020 dicamba litigation that vacated the prior registration as unlawful and now counsel in the current case challenging the 2020 registration:
"Today's report from EPA is at once unsurprising but also earth-shattering. EPA admits dicamba has caused—and is continuing to cause—widespread drift harm, despite its and Monsanto's previous assurances. It admits that it is now unsure whether dicamba can be used in a manner that does 'not pose unreasonable risks' to other farmers' crops, the environment, and endangered species—exactly what it must be sure of to register the pesticide. Yet at the same time, EPA is refusing to cancel its approval. This cowardice is contrary to EPA's core legal duties and will leave farmers and the planet unprotected for yet another damaging year in 2022. Once again EPA is requiring public interest organizations and the courts to do its job for it, and we will be asking the court to do just that."