CFS Comments to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to discontinue Critical Use Exemptions for methyl bromide and finally eliminate the use of this hazardous, ozone-depleting chemical (Docket No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2014-0743)
Center for Food Safety comments to the National Organic Standards Board regarding synthetic methionine, "organic" aquaculture, nanotechnology in organics, GE contamination prevention and other issues.
CFS comments to the National Organic Standards Board on presumption of limited synthetics, synthetic material use in aquaculture, synthetic methionine in organic poultry feed, GE contamination prevention and seed purity, the use of streptomycin in organic apple and pear production, and organic research priorities.
CFS comments regarding USDA's Federal Register Notice on "Enhancing Agricultural Coexistence" between organic, conventional and genetically engineered crops.
CFS comments on the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) proposed Produce Rule address the major areas in the draft Rule that would unfairly, and without scientific basis, impinge upon the integrity of organic production systems and pollinator habitat
CFS letter to Farm Bill conferees urging passage of a Farm Bill that protects pollinators, organic farmers and our ability to safeguard public health and the environment
CFS comments to the National Organic Program opposing the inclusion of biodegradable bioplastic mulch on the National List of materials allowed for use in organic farming because research has not conclusively demonstrated that it can biodegrade in the field.
CFS comments to the National Organic Standards Board regarding sunset policy; streptomycin; synthetic methionine in organic poultry feed; aquaculture synthetic materials; conflict of interest; and confidential business information (Docket No. AMS-NOP-13-0049)
CFS comments to USDA outlining objections to the draft National Organic Program (NOP) Sunset Review Rules (AMS-NOP-11-0003; NOP-10-13PR) and to the improper procedures used to draft the rules.
CFS comments to the National Organic Standards Board regarding antibiotics in apple and pear growing, sugar beet fiber, excluded methods and genetic engineering, among other issues
Center for Food Safety comments to NOSB regarding conflict of interest; public communications; biodegradable bioplastic mulch; inert ingredients; infant formula additives; omnivore diets; biodiversity; and research priorities.
Center for Food Safety comments to the National Organic Standards Board regarding GMO contamination of organic, GMO vaccines, animal welfare, aquaculture, inerts, carrageenan, public participation, and conflict of interest (Docket No. AMS-NOP-12-0017; NOP-12-06).
CFS comments to the National Organic Standards Board regarding contamination of Organic by Genetically Engineered (GE) Organisms, Sulfites in Wine Petition, Aquaculture, Conflict of Interest, Transparency, and Public Participation.
Center for Food Safety comments to the National Organic Program listening session on organic integrity, aquaculture, nanotechnologies and genetically engineered crops.
CFS Comments to USDA on proposed National Leafy Greens Marketing Agreement (NLGMA). CFS believes that food safety is not just about eliminating microbial contamination from farms and processing facilities. It is also about looking at the full spectrum of factors that impinge upon delivering safe, healthy food to consumers across the U.S. and abroad. CFS does not believe that these values and practices that underpin a safe food system can be preserved with the introduction of a NLGMA that is driven by large-
CFS comments to NOSB for April 26-19 meeting in Seattle, re: avoiding conflict of interest in NOSB decisions, prohibiting antibiotics in organic apple & pear growing, clarifying the definition of synthetics, improving animal welfare and slaughter standards and practices, and evaluating accessory nutrients in organic food.
CFS Comments on National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) Materials Committee: Proposal from Materials Committee to the NOSB on Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials for discussion October 25-28, 2010.
CFS Comments on National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) Materials Committee: Classifying Engineered Nanotech Materials as 'Synthetic' and Prohibiting Nanotechnologies and Materials in Organic.
NOC letter to House and Senate Farm Bill conferees urging inclusion of the organic conversion program with mandatory access to funding in the 2008 Farm Bill.
Letter from CFS and allied organizations to the Certified Organic Associations of British Columbia's regarding their consideration of organic aquaculture standards in British Columbia, Canada.
CFS writes letter to Senators urging them to reject amendments to the Organic Foods Production Act that would negatively impact the integrity of the organic label.
The organic committee of the National Campaign for Sustainable Agriculture submits letter to U.S. Department of Agriculture concerning National Organic Program
Letter to Kathleen Merrigan, Director Agriculture Marketing Service, USDA urging the USDA to establish a simple, cost-effective cost-share program for organic small farmers
CFS comments concerning the draft proposal for 'Guideline for determining whether a processing technology shall be reviewed by the National Organic Standards Board.'