For years, Neil Young has used his voice through his music for social justice issues, working specifically as a strong ally for farmers. This past year, Young released his newest album titled The Monsanto Years, calling out Monsanto as one of the the most harmful corporations in human history (along with Syngenta, Dow, Dupont and Bayer). Together these corporations control seed production and have created patents on their genetically engineered (GE) seed, taking away the farmers’ right to save their own seed. These companies' GE crops have increased the use of pesticides by hundreds of millions of pounds, and next generation GE crops will further increase pesticide usage of even stronger, more toxic herbicides.
Center for Food Safety has led the fight for food, farms and the environment since 1997. Hollywood Food Voices is a production of Center for Food Safety, created to join with artists using their influence to shine light on environmental and food and farming issues.