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Protecting Our Food, Farms & Environment
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2. Buy Local and In-Season

Center for Food Safety


Did you know that the average conventional food product travels about 1,500 miles from farm to consumer? By choosing to eat locally grown foods, you can drastically cut down on these “food miles.” Not only do fewer transport miles mean fewer emissions, but eating locally is good for local and regional economies.

But, as you’re choosing local foods, remember that food miles are just one aspect of a food’s “cool factor” and not the only factor to consider.. Be sure to ask questions and learn the story behind the food you’re buying so you can pair local with organic.  

You’ll also want to complement your quest by eating in-season. The seasons are the perfect showcase for nature’s amazing diversity, but, of course, what is in season will vary widely depending on where you live. Click here to for a guide to food seasonality.

By eating with the seasons, we put less stress on the earth to produce food at unnatural times. Seasonal produce generally has a higher nutrient content and because it is more plentiful, it should be more affordable than produce grown out of season which is more than likely:

a) not local

b) not fresh

c) not grown sustainably.

Not only do in-season foods taste better, but they provide numerous nutritional and climate benefits over non-seasonal foods.